Earlier this month, Reddit user Richarter contacted me for assistance on installing three Redmine plugins after he had successfully managed to install Redmine 4 thanks to my tutorial here. The plugins he was attempting to install are the following:

Redmine Agile and Checklists are avialable from the RedmineUp site, and both have a free and commercial version. You will have to register first on the Redmine Up site in order to receive the download links via email. Redmine Dashboard is available from Github as FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). Installing the above plugins initially gave Richarter issues, but after going through the following steps, we were able to install and verify the running of the plugins. For Redmine Agile as well as Redmine Checklists, I will assume that you have already downloaded the zip files via the link sent by email, and copied the zip file to your VPS home directory via SCP/SFTP.

As a pre-requisite you will need to install the unzip command line utility. You can install it on Ubuntu/Debian as follows:

sudo apt install unzip

Create a Downloads directory in your home directory

cd ~
mkdir Dowloads
cd Dowloads

Unzip Redmine Agile

mv -v redmine_agile-1_6_2-light.zip  ~/Downloads
unzip redmine_agile-1_6_2-light.zip 

Move Redmine Agile to the plugins directory

mv -v redmine_agile /usr/share/redmine/plugins/

Download the latest release of Redmine Dashboard from Github (version 2.11.0 at the time of writing)

wget https://github.com/jgraichen/redmine_dashboard/archive/refs/tags/v2.11.0.zip

Rename the downloaded file, then unzip it

mv -v v2.11.0.zip redmine-dashboard.zip
unzip redmine-dashboard.zip

Move Redmine Dashboard to the plugins directory

mv -v redmine_dashboard-2.11.0 /usr/share/redmine/plugins/redmine_dashboard

Unzip Redmine Checklists

mv -v redmine_checklists.zip  ~/Downloads
unzip redmine_checklists.zip

Move Redmine Checklists to the redmine plugins directory

mv -v redmine_checklists /usr/share/redmine/plugins/

Install plugin dependencies

cd /usr/share/redmine
bundle config set --local without 'development test sqlite postgresql'
bundle config set --local deployment 'false'
bundle install

Install Redmine Agile

The following command will install Redmine Agile, as well as configure any necessary database tables:

bundle exec rails redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_agile RAILS_ENV=production

Install Redmine Checklists

The following command will install Redmine Checklists, as well as configure any necessary database tables:

bundle exec rails redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_checklists RAILS_ENV=production

Restart apache2

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Test Redmine Agile

  • Login as an administrator

  • Browse to the plugins page

  • Click on the Redmine Agile plugin

  • You should see a set of options similar to the link below:

Redmine Agile

Test Redmine Dashboard

  • Login as an administrator

  • Browse to: Administration > Projects > New Project

  • In the modules subsection at the bottom, make sure you click the checkbox for Dashboard.

  • Save the project

  • When you open the project, you should see a dashboard tab, as shown below:

Redmine Dashboard

Test Redmine Checklists

  • Login as an administrator

  • Browse to: Administration > Projects > New Project

  • In the modules subsection at the bottom, make sure you click the checkbox for Agile.

  • Save the project

  • When you create a new issue within the project, you should see an option for checklists as shown below:

Redmine Checklists
